07 Sep

Our new paper in Complexity

Impairments in decision-making are frequently observed in neurodegenerative diseases, but the mechanisms underlying such pathologies remain elusive. In this work, we study, on the basis of novel time-delayed neuronal population model, if the delay in self-inhibition terms can explain those impairments. Analysis of proposed system reveals that there can be up to three positive steady states, with the one having the lowest neuronal activity being always locally stable in nondelayed case. We show, however, that this steady state becomes unstable above a critical delay value for which, in certain parameter ranges, a subcritical Hopf bifurcation occurs. We then apply psychometric function to translate model-predicted ring rates into probabilities that a decision is being made. Using numerical simulations, we demonstrate that for small synaptic delays the decision-making process depends directly on the strength of supplied stimulus and the system correctly identifies to which population the stimulus was applied. However, for delays above the Hopf bifurcation threshold we observe complex impairments in the decision-making process; that is, increasing the strength of the stimulus may lead to the change in the neuronal decision into a wrong one. Furthermore, above critical delay threshold, the system exhibits ambiguity in the decision-making.

The whole article can be found under the link: https://www.hindawi.com/journals/complexity/2017/4391587/